Noviy Svit Winery’s Cultural Park

- Name ProjectNoviy Svit Winery's Cultural Park
- StatusDesign
- DesignerDesign: Giorgio Palù Architetto | 2D drawings, 3D, render: Marcello Cesini Architetto
- CategoryWinery
- PlaceNoviy Svit | Sudak | Russia
- Year2019
Project Leader Giorgio Palù Architetto.
Personal Tasks: 2D drawings, 3D model, Architecture Visualization.
The client, owner of a wine cellar in the Russian region of Sudak, requested the transformation of the hilly site by implementing attractive functions on it, in order to transform it into a cultural park for the population. In fact, the idea is to make the visitor to the cellar, which winds through underground tunnels throughout the entire site, a participant in a 360° experience, allowing him to visit every area of production, starting from the vineyards, up to get to taste the product. A large paved square, embellished with green spaces and water features, leads to the large Hall, created using a glass opening but entirely covered by greenery, from which the visitor can begin his journey. In fact, from here various paths immersed in the greenery lead to the various areas of the site linked to the winemaking activity: the historic galleries in which the barrels are stored, the production and bottling area and the tasting area, a large space suspended above of the hall with a view of the entire hill and the sea. In addition to these spaces, other functions have been added that are not strictly linked to the winemaking activity, namely a hotel, accessible both by those who visit the cellar and by those who want to enjoy a few days of relaxation at the seaside, a conference room and an aquarium. The underlying theme of the entire project is to try to respect the site as much as possible, therefore trying to find oneself inside the hill, following the morphology of the terrain.